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Hampton Reports

We survey our community of high-growth founders & CEOs to get insights, data, and strategies that you can’t find anywhere else—all available to you for free.

2024 State of SaaS Report

Ever wondered how other SaaS founders are building their businesses? Get the stuff they don't share on Twitter or LinkedIn here.

2024 Salary & Compensation Report

Get a deep dive into our members' earnings and compensation as Founders and CEOs of high-growth businesses.

2024 AI & Business Report

Ever wondered how AI is already impacting businesses? We surveyed over 100 founders and got the insights for you.

2023 Ecommerce Analysis

How much do ecommerce founders pay themselves? Or which marketing channels are they most excited about? We got the answers to those questions and more in this ecomm analysis.

2023 Agency Analysis

We surveyed hundreds of agency founders to find out how they performed in 2023. Get service offerings, revenue, margins, team size and more in this report.

2023 Wealth Allocation Survey

How do members spend and invest their time and money? This is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive report that answers questions that most people would never ask about their personal financials.