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The Man Who Built 300 Apps in 3 Years

Five years ago, he had zero coding experience. Now, he runs a 7-figure no-code agency building apps for Coca-Cola, Amex and Zapier.

We’re at that point in time where businesses can no longer ignore how powerful no-code tools have become for cheap and speedy development. 

Just like you can build websites with Wix, platforms like Bubble let you build software rapidly with no coding experience required. 

Savvy entrepreneurs like Jesus Vargas are cashing in on the opportunity by building custom apps for companies of all sizes... From a cocktail recipe app for Margaritaville, to a salary calculation tool for Zapier.

A Hampton member and the brains behind LowCode Agency, Vargas has built a ferocious reputation for delivering apps 90% quicker at 10% of the usual cost. 

In our exclusive Hampton interview, Vargas reveals:

  • How he went from zero technical experience to the founder of a 7-figure dev agency (in just 5 years).
  • The growth strategies that landed Coca-Cola, Amex and Zapier as clients.
  • The exact niches of app development that are ripe for disruption by no-code tools. 

Reader discretion advised: This conversation contains topics that traditional developers may find upsetting. 

Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

I'm Jesus Vargas, founder of LowCode Agency. We're on a mission to revolutionize software development by harnessing the power of no-code and low-code tools. Our approach allows us to build custom, high-quality apps in just four weeks, delivering user-friendly and scalable solutions at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

In the four years since our inception, we've grown into a seven-figure business with a diverse team of 26 professionals. We've successfully completed over 300 app projects, serving clients ranging from ambitious startups to industry giants like Medtronic, American Express, Zapier, Dataiku, Coca-Cola; as well as hundreds of SMB’s and early stage founders. 

Our secret? 

We build apps 90% cheaper and 90% faster than conventional development methods.

LowCode Agency has built solutions for the biggest companies in the world

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

The spark for LowCode Agency came from a place of personal frustration. As someone without a technical background, I found myself unable to create the software tools I had been envisioning for years. My first attempt at starting a software development firm with a technical partner didn't pan out – turns out, lawyers and code don't mix well.

The game-changer came when I discovered Glide apps, which promised the ability to create an app from a simple Google Sheet. Intrigued, I dove headfirst into learning everything I could about the platform. Nights blurred together as I immersed myself in this new world of possibilities.

The payoff came quickly: in just three hours, I built a mini-CRM for my solar panel company that could effortlessly track proposals and clients. This was my "aha" moment – the realization that I could create functional, useful apps on my own, without the need for a technical background. It was this moment that set the stage for what would eventually become LowCode Agency.

Take us through the process of building and launching the first version of your product…

My first paid project came from an unexpected lunch conversation with a friend struggling to manage multiple AirBnB properties. I pitched him the idea of a $1,000 custom app to streamline his management duties and enhance guest experiences. His enthusiastic "yes" was all the validation I needed to know I was onto something special.

From there, word began to spread. Small projects started trickling in, allowing us to grow steadily. As we expanded, we hired our first team member and focused on developing robust systems and processes to ensure consistent quality.

The official launch of LowCode Agency as an LLC came during the height of the Covid pandemic. Despite being outside the US at the time, I managed to form the company, purchase a domain, and get everything set up with just a laptop and $600. It was a lean start, but it laid the foundation for our future growth.

Since launch, what growth channels have been most effective for you?

Our most effective growth channel has been referrals. Happy clients, impressed by our speed, quality, and thorough process, have been eager to spread the word about our work. This organic growth has been instrumental in our expansion.

Another powerful tool in our arsenal is our development calculator. This online tool provides potential clients with cost estimates for their app ideas, often leading to productive discovery calls and new projects.

Clients love quick and affordable solutions… Who’d have thought?! 


We've also found success in creating and sharing free resources such as downloadable lists, app templates, and development guides. These not only provide value to our audience but also establish our expertise in the field.

However, not all our attempts at growth have been successful. For instance, we've found advertising to bring in mostly unqualified leads, leading to wasted time and resources. Cold emailing has resulted in similar results, with the leads often being indecisive or unqualified. It is very difficult to use paid acquisition channels for growth because we sell a service that anyone can use rather than a specific product or a very niched down service. This makes using paid acquisition channels for growth very complicated.

Another lesson we've learned is the cost of compromising on talent. Hiring average or sub-par developers doesn't align with our commitment to quality. We pride ourselves on our exceptional skills in what we do, and thus, we've found that maintaining high hiring standards is essential to our success and reputation.

Currently, we're ramping up our content creation efforts across multiple platforms:

  • Publishing 2-3 blog posts weekly
  • Producing videos for YouTube, Reels, and TikTok
  • Expanding our email subscriber base
  • Releasing bi-weekly podcast episodes
  • Sharing insights on LinkedIn
  • Optimizing our content for SEO

Our target audience is shifting upstream, focusing on larger clients and businesses that might need multiple apps – not just for inventory management, but also for HR, expense tracking, sales dashboards, ticketing systems, and field operations.

LowCode Agency is going all-in on its blog and SEO


Did you ever have an “oh shit” moment where you thought it wouldn’t work?

Rather than a single, defining "oh shit" moment, I find myself facing these challenges on a monthly basis. Our project-based pricing model, while competitive in the market, results in very low profit margins. This means we essentially start from scratch every month.

There are times when we achieve our sales goals within the first 10 days, but there are also months where we're still at zero after 10 days. Those are the real "oh shit" days that test our resolve.

What keeps us going is our impressive track record – nearly 300 apps built in just 3 years. We maintain an almost perfect rating from our clients, who consistently report that their businesses run better with the solutions we've built for them. This validation of our value proposition is what drives us forward, even during the challenging times.

Can you break down the keys to this business model for us? What makes it work? And What do outsiders typically not understand about your industry?

Our business model revolves around completing approximately 100 projects per year, with margins hovering around the industry standard of 30%. Our largest expense is payroll, an area where we refuse to cut corners as we believe our team is our greatest asset and competitive advantage.

While we don't spend on traditional advertising, we invest heavily in marketing – about 20% of our total revenue goes towards content creation, SEO, video production, and other marketing efforts. This investment in our brand and online presence is crucial for our continued growth.

Day-to-day operations are overseen by our dedicated project managers. As for sales, I personally handle this aspect, ensuring that every lead is followed up on and given the attention it deserves.

 Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to serving hundreds of clients


What platform/tools are absolutely crucial for your business?

  • Slack for internal communications.
  • Plutio is our chosen project management tool. It's used both internally and for client interactions, providing each client with a portal for tracking tasks, deadlines, and deliverables. This transparency allows us to complete around 100 projects per year.
  • Missive is our tool for delegating emails, used specifically within my core team.
  • We use Zight for capturing screenshots and recording screen activity to share with clients.
  • For recording and summarizing all our meetings on platforms like Google Meets and Zoom, we rely on Wudpecker and tl;dv
  • is used a lot for tasks automation (We’re silver partners!)
  • For internal operations such as tracking leaves, invoices, expenses, etc., we utilize Glide apps.
  • We find Whimsical incredibly useful for creating mind maps, wireframing apps, and websites, among other things.
  • And of course, OpenAI.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

One book that has greatly influenced me is "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight, which chronicles the journey of Nike. The story resonates deeply with me as it portrays the rollercoaster ride of building a business, full of highs and lows – much like my own experience.

I'm also an avid listener of the "My First Million" podcast. It's become a regular source of inspiration and learning for me, offering a wealth of innovative ideas, practical strategies, and raw, often untold stories behind various business successes. Hearing from entrepreneurs across different fields provides me with unique perspectives and continually enriches my understanding of different industries.

Where do you see untapped opportunity in the market? What business do you wish someone else would build that would make your job easier?

I see two significant areas of untapped potential in the market:

  1. Simple, effective project management tools for businesses. There's a clear gap between basic tools like Excel and complex platforms like ClickUp. Many service-based organizations are looking for a middle ground – something more efficient than spreadsheets but less overwhelming than full-featured project management suites.
  2. No-code education. There's a growing demand for skilled no-code developers, both in agencies and in-house. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of having team members who can rapidly develop and iterate on internal tools without involving IT or development teams. This is an opportunity we're seriously considering exploring in the coming months.

What are some strong opinions you have about leadership, and how do you actually put those into practice in your company?

My leadership philosophy is built on three core principles:

  1. Letting go of direct control. As an entrepreneur, it's crucial to trust your team and allow managers to take ownership of their roles. This empowers them and allows the business to scale effectively.
  2. Trusting your intuition, especially when it comes to people-related decisions. I've found that following your gut instinct often leads to the best outcomes in leadership.
  3. Embracing persistence and tenacity. Success in business requires trying, failing, and trying again countless times. I strive to foster this resilient mindset within our team, encouraging them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Where can we go to learn more?

At our website, our blog, a podcast, my YouTube channel, and our social media channels. Feel free to explore them for insightful content on the no/low code landscape.

You can also get in touch directly with me through this form: I’m also very active on Twitter and LinkedIn

Personally, I find being the CEO of a startup to be downright exhilarating. But, as I'm sure you well know, it can also be a bit lonely and stressful at times, too.

Because, let's be honest, if you're the kind of person with the guts to actually launch and run a startup, then you can bet everyone will always be asking you a thousand questions, expecting you to have all the right answers -- all the time.

And that's okay! Navigating this kind of pressure is the job.

But what about all the difficult questions that you have as you reach each new level of growth and success? For tax questions, you have an accountant. For legal, your attorney. And for tech. your dev team.

This is where Hampton comes in.

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